Bio bags dog and exploring the topic

Tetrarecart are the new tetra bio bags and are laminated paper boxes that allow for more subtle reprocessing of vegetables than canning permits. Even wineries are using these cartons for selling wines in five hundred milliliters and one liter Tetraprisma Aseptic packages with re closable screw capsThe tetra bio bags save consumer money as they save weight and space and eliminate the concerns of glass bottle disposal in spite of being unsuited for long term storage and aging of wine. Tetra bio bags or tetra pack is after all a business and like any sound business it is responsible and it evolves. A hundred percent traceability in wood fibers in its paperboard from suppliers in Europe and south America has been achieved by tetra pack who make the tetra bio bags. The cartons also have a minimal environmental footprint and this is significant in world that is going green.

03/08/10 7

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